About the Livermore Class Picture Archive
Statement of purpose:
The purpose of this site is to collect and display Livermore class pictures and other pictures of Livermore kids of the past with their friends, classmates, teammates, neighbors, and other associates. This is a non-commercial website.
If you have any class pictures or other pictures that you would like to submit to the archive, please see Guidelines for Submitting Pictures to the Livermore Class Picture Archive (revised 6 March 2002)
Contact information:
The Livermore Class Picture Archive is maintained by Brian McFann. If you have any questions, comments, or problems with this website, please write to webmaster@livermoreclasspics.org.
Privacy policy:
If you would prefer to remain unidentified in any of the pictures in which you appear, please write to the webmaster. In place of your name in the caption, the words unidentified by request, or identity withheld, or somethng similar, will be used to indicate that your name is known but that you have asked to remain unidentified. Most of the pictures on this site (in particular the class pictures, team pictures, and similar group photographs) are "public" to the extent that they were originally distributed to a wide group of people and/or published in yearbooks. And the publication of these pictures on this site is consistent with the purpose of the original photographs and the original expectations of the people who posed for them. Other pictures on this site (for example, pictures from private gatherings) are more "private" in character. If you object to the publication on this site of any of the latter category of pictures in which you appear, please write to the webmaster.
Copyright information:
Whenever possible, I have sought permission from the original photographers to publish their work on this site. In most cases, however, I have not been able to contact the original photographers. Regardless of whether or not I have been able to obtain permission from the original photographers, my use of their work on this site is allowed under the "fair use" provision of the copyright law. The original photographers may still enjoy rights over their original work that also govern the use of digital images produced from their work. The text and image files on this site are copyright by me, Brian McFann, to the full extent allowed under the copyright law, by virtue of the creative effort invested by me in their production. And so the text and image files used on this site may not be republished elsewhere without my permission. You may download and save the text and image files on this site for your own enjoyment.
Linking to this site:
You may provide links on your own website to particular pages or pictures on this site provided that: (1) the content of the Anchor element in your link includes an accurate description of the target (I recommend the exact title of the page to which you are linking); (2) you include, in the text surrounding your link, a link to the main page of this site that includes its full name, The Livermore Class Picture Archive; and (3) you use the target="_blank" attribute in both links so that the target of the link opens in a new window (which signals the viewer that he/she is viewing a page on another site). For example:
See the picture of Mrs McGlinchey's third grade class, Fifth Street School, 1957-1958 in the Livermore Class Picture Archive.
Technical Notes:
The pages of this site are (mostly) written in W3C compliant HTML 4.01 and use CSS style sheets for some formatting. They have been tested with Internet Explorer 6 and Netscape 6.2. Please report any problems viewing this site to the webmaster.
This site is hosted by DreamHost under the domain name "livermoreclasspics.org". The Livermore High School Memorial, Granada High School Memorial, and the Livermore Teachers Memorial are separate websites, also maintained by Brian McFann, and are hosted in the subdomain "memorials.livermoreclasspics.org".