Mrs Sorensen's sixth grade class, Almond Ave School, 1970-1971

Class picture
Top row (left to right): 1. Rick Bradley, 2. unidentified, 3. Bruce Joder, 4. unidentified, 5. Brian Rotsten, 6. Debra Sparks, 7. Bob Tarte, 8. Jennifer Murphy, 9. Richard Lawson.
Second row: 1. George Friedrich, 2. Joel Streufert, 3. Jody Moniz, 4. Diane Bahr, 5. Steve Sinchak, 6. Kaye Sanders, 7. Bill Judd, 8. Lisa Tveitmoe, 9. David Anderson.
Third row: 1. Ricky Stallbaumer, 2. Barbara Dougherty, 3. Matt Bandtel, 4. Donna LaFevre, 5. Steve Taylor, 6. Lori Larson, 7. Linda Reshenk, 8. Jeff Burke, 9. Sandra Cochran.
Fourth row: 1. no picture, 2. Mrs Sorensen, 3. Jeff Neely, 4. Jeffrey Richards, 5. Lori Roszell, 6. Kathy Shaw, 7. Craig ?, 8. Mr Bosworth, 9. no picture.
Credits: Scanned and submitted to the archive by Brian Rotsten. Thanks to Brian Rotsten, Bruce Joder, David Booth, and Sandy Nelson for identifying the kids in this picture.


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