Eighth Grade Basketball Team, East Avenue School, 1961-1962

Team Picture
Front row (left to right): 1. (#4) Stan Preftokis, 2. (#6) unidentified, 3. (#8) Bart Schenone, 4. (#5) unidentified, 5. (#9) Skeeter Sims, 6. (#12) Buddy Palmer, 7. (#3) Steve Shewchuck.
Between the front and back row: 1. Tib Warner (in sweater, on far left), 2. Jeff Meyers (on far right).
Back row: 1. (#8) Joe Barbera, 2. Jim Van Ness, 3. (#11) unidentified, 4. (#13) unidentified, 5. (#15) Dan Dailey, 6. (#7) Perry Watts, 7. (#12) Dave Nielson, 8. (#10) Mike Armstrong, 9. (#13) Max Eckert.
Credits: From the collection of Mr. DePaoli. Thanks to Tom and Karin Reitz for identifying the kids in the picture.


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