Mrs MacVicar's spanish class field trip, East Avenue School, 1972-1973

picture 1
Left to right: 1. Kerri Clark, 2. Marsha McCullough, 3. Marjorie Herrmann, 4. Kenneth Fordyce, 5. Barbara Mills, 6. Joan Stammer, 7. Dana Mills.
Credits: Original photograph by Brian Rotsten.
picture 2
Kerri Clark
Credits: Original photograph by Brian Rotsten.
picture 3
Left to right: 1. Loren Fong, 2. Marjorie Herrmann, 3. unidentified, 4. Kerri Clark, 5. Brian Faust, 6. David Anderson.
Credits: Original photograph by Brian Rotsten.
picture 4
Left to right: 1. Debbie Hill, 2. Kathy Tucker, 3. Laura Diaz, 4. Mrs. MacVicar, 5. Debra Sparks.
Credits: Original photograph by Brian Rotsten.


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Brian Rotsten thinks the trip was to San Juan Batista. Barbara (Mills) Nelson says that it was in March or April of 1973. Thanks to Brian Rotsten, Patsy (Richmond) Kwiatkowski, Barbara (Mills) Nelson, and Kerri (Clark) Sommars for identifying the people in these pictures.

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