Mrs Larson's fifth grade class, Fifth Street School, 1969-1970

class picture
Top row (left to right): 1. Chester Smith, 2. Donna Oliver, 3. Albert Santiago, 4. unidentified, 5. Jeff Erickson, 6. Ginger Der, 7. John Cole.
Second row: 1. unidentified, 2. Cathy ?, 3. Terri Bothwell, 4. Helen Ordaz, 5. unidentified, 6. Lori Jensen, 7. unidentified.
Third row: 1. Steve Dentici, 2. unidentified, 3. Mary Regan, 4. Debbie Graham, 5. Bill Groth, 6. Sharon Manrow, 7. Donna Rochin.
Fourth row: 1. Debra Kendrick, 2. Brian McFann, 3. Bob Lamee, 4. Russell "Rusty" Zinc, 5. Richard Minter?, 6. Wes Morgan, 7. Jean Ratcliffe.
Fifth row: 1. Marsha McCollough, 2. Same kid as in Row 2, #7 (he got in line twice), 3. Ellen Angvick.
Sixth row: 1. David Simons, 2. Mr Teel, 3. Mrs Larson, 4. Pat Brown.
Not in the picture: Joel Streufert, Steve Buckner.
Credits: From the collection of Brian McFann. Thanks to SallyMarie (Ritchie) Slaughter for helping to identify the kids in this picture.


If you can identify any of the unidentified or misidentified people in the picture, or if you would like to share a memory related to the picture, please post a message in the forum discussion of this picture or write to the webmaster.

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Class Notes:

The class actually had three teachers. Mrs Larson taught Math and Science. Mrs Larson died during the year and Mrs Smith took over the class. Mr Cottingham taught "Communications" (his word for the subjects of reading, writing, and spelling). Mrs Kerr taught social studies, art, and music.

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