Miss Ferrario's fourth grade class, Jackson Avenue School, 1968-1969

class picture
Top row (left to right): 1. Billy Grassberger, 2. Cliff Bloom, 3. Jerry Yanes, 4. Suzie Henry, 5. Joe ?, 6. Kim Floyd, 7. Eddie ?, 8. Deanna Terhune, 9. Danny ?.
Second row: 1. Ginger Deming?, 2. Walter Woodard, 3. Karen Morrow, 4. Danny Meseke, 5. Lorie ?, 6. Ken Morrison, 7. Amy ?, 8. Jay Mullins, 9. Carol Schweiger.
Third row: 1. Julie Korner, 2. Kevin Phillips, 3. Cheryl Hargreaves, 4. Chris ?, 5. Kathy Honour, 6. Mark Dasher, 7. Lara Dobbel, 8. Hans Aaland, 9. Kristie Snider.
Fourth row: 1. Miss Ferrario, 2. Donalee Kay Rogers, 3. Lynne Coronado, 4. no picture, 5. no picture, 6. no picture, 7. Lee ?, 8. Theresa Hutchens, 9. Mr Donald Larsen.
Credits: From the collection of Kathryn (Honour) Stewart. Thanks to Kathy, Joan (Stammer) Ambrose, and Clarie & Bev Rogers for identifying the people in the picture.


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