Mrs Roney's third grade class, Jackson Avenue School, 1971-1972

class picture
Top row (left to right): 1. John King, 2. Cynthia ?, 3. Mark Weingardner, 4. Leslie Day, 5. unidentified, 6. Diane Schweiger, 7. Warren West, 8. unidentified, 9. unidentified.
Second row: 1. Kimberly Minor, 2. Richard Ludwig, 3. Suzanne Bohrer, 4. Carl Karfs, 5. Evelyn ?, 6. unidentified, 7. Claire Rufer, 8. Donald Hole, 9. Laura Cassell.
Third row: 1. Gena Broadman, 2. unidentified, 3. unidentified, 4. John Mihoevich, 5. no picture, 6. Dennis Knor, 7. LeAnn Beggs, 8. Harold McCallister, 9. Colleen Pence.
Fourth row: 1. Mrs. Roney, 2. Wylie Fabyan, 3. Brenda Tatjees, 4. no picture, 5. no picture, 6. no picture, 7. Debbie Alviso, 8. Clifford ?, 9. Mr Donald Larsen (Principal).
Credits: From the collection of Laura Cassell. Laura's picture has suffered some water damage on the left (which I have blurred to minimize the distraction). If you have a copy of this picture that is in better condition, please scan it for the archive. Thanks to Laura Cassell and Jeff Makaiwi for identifying the kids in the picture.


If you can identify any of the unidentified or misidentified people in the picture, or if you would like to share a memory related to the picture, please post a message in the forum discussion of this picture or write to the webmaster.

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