Please help identify the teacher, grade, and school year so that this picture can be accurately filed in the archive. This picture was part of a set purchased on ebay from someone who did not know the original owner and did not have any information about the pictures. I am only guessing that this is the school year 1952-1953 and that this is a first grade class. If you can confirm my guess, or you know differently, please write to the webmaster.
If you can identify any of the unidentified or misidentified people in the picture, or if you would like to share a memory related to the picture, please post a message in the forum discussion of this picture or write to the webmaster.
About the forum: The Livermore Class Picture Archive forum is on the Delphi Forums website. Access to the forum is free, but if you want to post messages to the forum you have to register with Delphi. Delphi has a three-tiered membership structure: DelphiPlus, Advanced, and Basic. The Basic membership is free and is all you need to read and post messages on the forum. If you do not want to register with Delphi, you can still read what others have posted in the forum by logging in as "guest".