Alice L. Smith's seventh grade class, Junction Avenue School, 1956-1957

class picture
Front row (left to right): 1. Ron Vargas, 2. Edward Rominger, 3. Arthur Hull, 4. Bruce Schiller, 5. Harold Lambaren, 6. Ronnie Robles, 7. Ernest Langley, 8. Terry Meyers, 9. Steven McLeod, 10. Richard Gerst ?.
Second row: 1. Alice Bettencourt ?, 2. unidentified, 3. Alice Bush, 4. Sharon Hutka, 5. unidentified, 6. unidentified, 7. Jeanette Yanes ?, 8. Melinda Jensen, 9. Gloria Stewart, 10. Louise White, 11. Carol Smith, 12. unidentified.
Third row: 1. Alice L. Smith (teacher), 2. John Cahoon, 3. Paul ?, 4. Larry Crosby, 5. Donna Mann ?, 6. Karen Kamp, 7. Nancy Nelson, 8. John Needham, 9. James McLaughlin, 10. Carl Moffett, 11. Thomas Brown.
Credits: From the collection of John B. Cahoon III. Thanks to John Cahoon, Melanie (Kline) Plain, and Ann Kilby for identifying the kids in the picture.


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