Mr Brunke's seventh grade class, Junction Avenue School, 1961-1962

class picture
Top row (left to right): 1. Mr. Brunke, 2. unidentified, 3. Randy Pegan, 4. Ofelia Belena, 5. Oscar Lopez, 6. Cheryl Bettencourt, 7. Tim Sheridan, 8. Pat Cabunoc.
Second row: 1. Christy Bachman, 2. Matt Sheridan, 3. no picture, 4. no picture, 5. no picture, 6. no picture, 7. Linda Campbell, 8. Paul Garcia.
Third row: 1. no picture, 2. Jean Falco, 3. John Trevino, 4. Vicky Kast, 5. David Carstenson, 6. Sharida Hahn, 7. Joe Butterfield, 8. no picture.
Fourth row: 1. Sandra Hunt, 2. George Huntsman, 3. no picture, 4. Brian Johnson, 5. Karin McMahon, 6. no picture, 7. Marilyn Yates, 8. Norman Jenson.
Fifth row: 1. Steve ?_, 2. no picture, 3. David Moyer, 4. Mark Straub, 5. Roger Norwood, 6. Duke Morrison, 7. no picture, 8. Blanca Ramos.
Credits: From the collection of Karin McMahon Reitz.


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