Senior pictures, Livermore High School class of 1956

Aflague--Borrallo | Bosley--Davis | DeRosa--Gonsalves | Hagemann--Lehr | Longan--Mount | Murray--Read | Rettig--Truitt | Tusa--Yanes

Janice Murray Donald Neely Pete Oliver
Janice Murray Donald Neely Pete Oliver
Geraldine O'Malia Claudette Pape Jeanne Parsons
Geraldine O'Malia Claudette Pape Jeanne Parsons
Paul James Paslay John Petersen Doris Jean Phillips
Paul James Paslay John Petersen Doris Jean Phillips
Marilyn Ann Pritchard Connie Raboli Darlene Annebelle Read
Marilyn Ann Pritchard Connie Raboli Darlene Annebelle Read


These pictures were scanned from the 1956 yearbook by Ted Saselli. Scans of the original photographs would look better. So if you have any of the original photographs, please scan them for the archive.

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