You Can't Take It With You, Livermore High School Drama Production, November 1975

Picture of the cast
Front row (left to right): 1. Mitch Myers, 2. Tad Long, 3. Greg Robinson.
Second row: 1. Lori Glaze, 2. Dennis Gleason, 3. Gael Schaefer, 4. Julie Wright, 5. Mike Judd, 6. Allison Butterfield, 7. David Simons.
Third row: 1. Lisa Burkett, 2. Hans Aaland, 3. Lisa Wisnom, 4. Mark Bystroff (peeking between Gael and Julie), 5. George Kramer.
Back row: 1. Scott Thomas (in light hat), 2. Tony Ratcliffe, 3. Tom Kramer.
Credits: From the collection of Lisa Burkett.
Picture from rehearsal
In front: Mitch Myers (doing the splits).
Back row (left to right): 1. Julie Wright, 2. Mike Judd, 3. Gael Schaefer, 4. Mark Bystroff, 5. Lisa Burkett.
Credits: From the collection of Lisa Burkett.
Yearbook picture #1
Left to right: 1. George Kramer (standing in back), 2. Dennis Gleason (sitting), 3. Mark Bystroff, 4. Julie Wright, 5. Gael, Schaefer.
Credits: From the 1976 yearbook.
Yearbook picture #2
Hans Aaland
Credits: From the 1976 yearbook.
Penelope SycamoreGael Schaefer
EssieJulie Wright
MaggieAllison Butterfield
Paul SycamoreDennis Gleason
Mr DePinnaHans Aaland
EdGeorge Kramer
MikeScott Thomas
Martin VanderhofMike Judd
AliceLisa Wisnom
HendersonTony Ratcliffe
Tony KirbyMark Bystroff
Boris KolenkovMitch Myers
Gay WellingtonLori Glaze
Mr KirbyDave Simons
Mrs KirbyLisa Burkett
Three G-menTom Kramer
Greg Robinson
Tad Long
OlgaKellie George


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