Up the Down Staircase, Livermore High School Drama Department, 1977-1978

Left to right: Mike Hamm, Carrie Rambo.
Dr Maxwell ClarkeJeff Lormand
Sylvia BarrettKelly Barrett
Beatrice SchacterTori Lord
Paul BarringerKeith Duffus
J. J. McHabeChris Bystroff
Ella FriedenbergPatty Skidmore
Frances EganValerie Smith
Charlotte WolfLori Bamford
Samuel BesterTom Montan
Sadie FinchKathy Rounds
Lou MartinBarry Culpepper
Lennie NeumarkMartin Wagner
Carole BlancaCarrie Rambo
Alice BlakeNancy Olson
Vivian PaineDonna Patters
Rusty O'BrienSteve Skidmore
Linda RosenCarla Byrne
John RogersBarry Weaver
Carrie BlaineDenise Thompson
Harry KaganPaul Larson
Jill NorrisJill Downey
Rachel GordonTracy Xepoleas
Elizabeth EllisArdyth Eby
Charles ArronsJohn Humphrey
Edward WilliamsGreg Tuck
Joe FeroneTony Ratcliffe
Helen ArbuzziCassie Mattson
Francine GardnerMelody Francis
Katherine WolzowLorraine Mann
EllenCris Cassell
Stage ManagerKarl Peters
Assistant Stage ManagerKurt Peters
Student DirectorPatty Skidmore
LightingBarney Reno
 David Powles
 Janie Daley
 Kurt Peters
 Karl Peters
Sound EffectsJohn Downey
PropertiesCarl Abbott
PublicityV. Stadelhofer
CostumesEntire Cast
 Becky Grimes
PostersGary McFann
Program CoverBarry Weaver
ProgramAdelle Edwards
 V. Stadelhofer
Scenery DesignV. Stadelhofer
Curtain PullerJohn Downey
PrompterPatty Skidmore
Make-upRosemary Colon
 Laura Sutcliffe
 Paris Althouse
 Janie Daley
 Grace Bourke
 Diane Hatfield
UshersKim Kion
 Stephanie Taylor
 Marti Unger
 Marla Williams
 Ally Carruthers
 Joan Humphrey
 Craig Culpepper
 Cathy Sutcliffe
Ticket SalesPamela Brekas
 April Harris
 Esther Costantino
 Valorie Eads
 Becca Speake
Candy SalesSusan McIntre
 Jeni Essex
 Dorothy Barnett
 Donna Craft
Costume AssistantKirsten Reitan
Students who helped with drama week: Susan McIntre, Laura Johnson, Tony Chakakis, Susan Junk, Carrie Rambo, Karinne Wood, Laura Pasch, Karen Hersey, Claire Dunbar, Jeff Cofer, Marty Unger, Stepanie Taylor, Rusty Kransky, Steve Skidmore
Stage crafts and scenery construction: Mark Arndt, Rosemary Colon, Christine Cook, Janine Cotton, Daphne Davis, Robert Fox, Jim Gates, Becy Grimes, Mike Guzman, Rick Hewitt, Rod Howard, Susan Lee, Gary McLeod, Gary McFann, Pam Palmer, Walter Partlow, Karl Peters, Martin Raeburn, John Walden, Patty Wilkerson, Kirsten Reitan


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