Miss Castellano's sixth grade class, Joe Michell School, 1975-1976

Class Picture
Top row (left to right): 1. no picture, 2. Johnny Johnson, 3. Tom Honour, 4. Pat Fitzgerald, 5. no picture, 6. Newell Griggs, 7. Michelle Nelson, 8. Kevin Roderick, 9. no picture.
Second row: 1. Kimberly Woods, 2. Bob Peterson, 3. Julie Klein, 4. Kevin Trudeau, 5. DeeDee Johnson, 6. Jim Rothstein, 7. Barbara Solomon, 8. Donny Malia, 9. Peggy Cope, later known as Denys Cope.
Third row: 1. Ken McClendon, 2. Mike O'Shea, 3. Rick Pierce, 4. Paul Bonner, 5. Tim Meyers, 6. Kristy Dolstra, 7. Tony Sage, 8. Sara Adibzadeh, 9. Larry Bennett.
Fourth row: 1. Joe Marlow, 2. Erica Blunden, 3. Lisa Maciolek, 4. unidentified, 5. no picture, 6. Kirk Kusich, 7. David Sitton, 8. Brian Landingham, 9. Angie Griffin.
Fifth row: 1. Miss Castelano, 2. no picture, 3. no picture, 4-6. Joe Michell School, 7. no picture, 8. no picture, 9. Mr Mercy.
Credits: From the collection of Kimberly Woods Barry. Thanks to Kim (Woods) Barry, Julie Klein, and Rick Byrne for identifying the kids in the picture.


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