Mrs Fuerstenau's fourth grade class, Sunset Elementary School, 1986-1987

Class Picture
Top row (left to right): David Berg, Mrs Pat Heineman, Mrs Fuerstenau, Heidi Black.
Second row: Jennie Blum, Sheral Brekke, Danny Dahl, Kasie Flores.
Third row: Jamie Gallo, Richard Gentry, Russel Hegarty, Steve Immel, Russel Johnson, J. J. Jolly, Dustin Knott.
Fourth row: Catherine Larson, Elizabeth Mack, Allison Madsen, Jeff Marcotte, Jeff McCort, Kathy Parker, Clinton Pehargou, Dustin Riggs.
Fifth row: Scott Rosenquist, Wendy Savoy, Eric Swensen, Dee Dee Thompson, Kelly Vanbuskirk, Katrina Van Gleson, Ryan Winfield, Andrea Deen.
Credits: From the collection of Catherine Larson.


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